Thursday, 14 February 2013

The eagle is a fearless, daring animal. It is a tenacious, nurturing and spiritually illuminated bird. However, the most important characteristic of an eagle which has continually been compared to humans is its vision. Remember “eagle eye”? The eagle has keen vision; its eyes are specially designed for long distance focus and clarity. For this reason amongst several others, human beings have continually been implored to be like this awesome bird.
The greatest gift God has endowed on man is the gift of vision. It is a function of the heart. It is what drives a man towards the fulfillment of his purpose on earth. It has been said that if you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there; in truth you would not even know that you are there if and when you eventually do.
Vision is a clear mental picture of an attractive, credible and glorious future for you, your organization or nation. It is a revelation; a picture of purpose. The most profound meaning was made by Dr Myles Munroe which says vision is “foresight with insight based on hindsight”. Foresight is the future opportunities, insight are the present possibilities beyond the difficulties while hindsight are the past activities, challenges and learning from the difficulties.
Where there is no vision, individuals lose their sense of self worth, self esteem and dignity. A man without vision does not live; he just exists. He goes through life without following the path God has set for his feet to follow. He goes through life without executing the plan which has been placed in his heart to discover; without fulfilling the purpose for his life. This lack of action-backed vision is what makes the richest oil and diamond mines in the world pale in comparison to the stupendous wealth buried inside people in the cemetery.
Where there is no vision, organizations collapse. Conflict thrives. Anxiety, disappointment and hopelessness are the order of the day. Have you ever wondered why some organizations have outlived the founders? Vision is responsible for the continued existence of such companies as Ford Motors, J Heinz amongst several others. The founders were visionaries, selfless, totally committed to going beyond the status quo.
What are you doing? What has God wired you for? Are you doing what God has wired you for? These are some of the questions that must be answered as we explore and maximize our God-given potentials; questions that need answers as we fulfill God’s vision for our lives.
This is my prayer for you: “May your visions become reality and impact positively on your generation and those generations not born” You shall succeed.

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